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Jalalabad is a city in eastern Afghanistan, the capital of Nangarhar province, next to the Kabul and Kunar rivers. It is linked by approximately 90 miles highway with the city of Kabul to the west and about the same distance with Peshawar in Pakistan to the east. The population of Jalalabad is 96,000 people (2002).

Recent city comments:

  • Sherzai cricket stadium, Siyaram Meena wrote 8 years ago:
    please update the news of jlalabad cricket stadium
  • Police Head Quarter, lion_hu wrote 12 years ago:
  • Mia Omar High School, Obaid (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Mia Omer High School is One Of The Leading schools of Jalalabad but has no Enaugh Teachers and classes For sTudy,sTudents studying There Three Times a Day...!!
  • Afghan Space Center, Vyborg wrote 13 years ago:
    Abdul Ahad Momand is a former Afghan Air Force aviator who became the first and only Afghan in space when he spent nine days aboard the Russian Mir space station in 1988 as a Intercosmos Research Cosmonaut. The launch was made ​​August 29, 1988. Now he lives in Germany.
  • Nangarhar high school, bibizakia (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    that was fantastic
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